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Dissertation History

If you do not have a UC San Diego Google account to access the ProQuest database, please search for the thesis in Google Scholar by typing in the author's name and dissertation title.


Name Dissertation Title
Hannah Bae Essays in Health Economics
Evgenii Baranov Essays in Experimental Economics: Social Choice
Amanda Bonheur Essays on Inequality: Insights Using Labor and Behavioral Economics
Edoardo Briganti Analysis of the Effects and Transmission Mechanisms of Fiscal Policy in the United States
Junyuan Chen Essays on the Role of Supply Chains in the Propagation of Macroeconomic Shocks
Tjeerd De Vries Essays in Financial Economics
Tanner Eastmond Essays in Applied Economics
Stefan Faridani Essays in the Design of Experiments
Zachary Hall Essays in Health Economics
Jinhyeon Han Essays on Applied Economics
Songyu He Essays in Preferences Under Uncertainty
Xiameng Hua Essays on Reputation Dynamics in Agency Relationships, Venture Capital Markets, and Lending Relationships
Frances Lu Essays on Women’s Wellbeing in Developing Countries
Beata Luczywek Essays on Policy Evaluations: Insights From Public and Labor Economics
Diana Martinez Heredia Essays in Development Economics
Anjali Pai Essays on the Economics of Education
Rohini Ray Essays on the Effects of Climate Shocks on Liquidity and Systemic Risk
Rebecca Royer Essays in Experimental Economics
Victor Sellemi Essays in Macro-Finance
Ali Uppal Essays on Monetary Policy and Financial Stability
Hanyi Wang Essays on Environmental Policies, Firm Performance, and Global Supply Chains
Adrian Wolanski Essays in Experimental Economics: Intertemporal and Social Choice
Jin Xi Essays on Forecasting and Econometrics


Name Dissertation Title
Wei-Lin Chen Essays on Leader, Local Governance, and National Identity
Danil Dmitriev Essays in Experimentation, Voting With Sabotage, and Dynamic Inconsistency
Radhika Goyal Essays in Public Finance and Environmental Economics
Shunsuke Hori Essays on Macroeconomics
Minki Kim Essays on Health, Human Capital and Economic Development
Nikolay Kudrin Theoretical Contributions to Meta-Analysis for Research Transparency
Ellen Liaw Essays on Low-Income Housing Policies
Bei Luo Essays in Energy Policy and Consumer Behavior
Freddie Papazyan Power, Sabotage, and Misdirection: Three Essays on Political Economy
Daniel Pellatt Essays in Econometrics
Connor Redpath Two Essays on Couple Formation and One Essay on Policing
Katherine Rittenhouse Essays on Child Welfare
Parker Rogers Regulating Health Care Markets: Impacts on Innovation, Market Structure, and Product Quality
Kevin Winseck Essays on the Economics of Adapting to and Preventing Climate Change
Haitian Xie Essays on Causal Inference and Econometrics
Wanchang Zhang Essays on Robust Mechanism Design


Name Dissertation Title
Alyssa Brown Essays on Household Spending and the Social Safety Net
Yu-Chang Chen Essays on Treatment Effect Heterogeneity and Policy Design
Anastasiia Faikina Essays on the Political Economy of Development
Zhiyun Jiang Three Essays on Environmental Economics
Arushi Kaushik Essays in Development Economics
Arman Khachiyan Essays in Applied Microeconomics
Youngju Lee Essays on Applied Economics
Aleksandr Levkun Essays on Strategic Mediation of Information
Jacob Orchard Essays on Household Consumption and Relative Prices
Yanying Sheng Essays in Applied Microeconomics
Jackson Somers Essays on the Economics of Environmental Policy
Pietro Spini Three Essays in Robust Causal Inference
Tara Sullivan Essays on Choice
Mitchell Vanvuren Essays on Macroeconomics with Imperfect Insurance
Davide Viviano Essays in Policy Design and Statistical Inference
Jianan Yang Essays on Development and Health Economics
Linyan Zhu Essays on Monetary Policy and Asset Prices


Name Dissertation Title
Olga Denislamova Essays in Macroeconomics
Zachary Goodman Essays in Applied Microeconomics
Wesley Howden Adaptation and Mitigation: Essays on Climate Economics
Peicong Hu Essays on Strategic Information Transmission
Alexandre Kellogg Essays on Expectations-Based Reference Dependence
Jonathan Leganza Essays on Retirement and Medicare Policy
Yibin Liu Essays in Corporate Finance
Bruno Lopez Videla Mostajo Essays on the Political Economy of Development
Xiao Ma Essays on International Trade
Julian Martinez Iriarte Econometric Analysis of Unconditional Policy Effects
Alex Masucci Essays on Physician Billing and Location Decisions
Alejandro Nakab Essays on Workers' Human Capital Accumulation and Wage Experience Profiles
Camila Navajas Ahumada Essays on Development Economics
Mariia Titova Information and Political Economy: Two Illustrations
Wendy Zeng Worker Mobility: Agglomeration, Wage Changes, and Entrepreneurship


Name Dissertation Title
Rebecca Fraenkel Essays on the Provision of Local Public Goods
Stephanie Khoury Essays in Health Economics
Samuel Krumholz Three Essays in Applied Microeconomics
Remy Levin Adaptive Risk-Taking
Kye Lippold Essays on Tax and Transfer Programs Affecting Low-Income Households
Runjing Lu Essays in Applied Economics
Shuning Mao Application of Textual Data in Economic Questions
Nobuhiko Nakazawa Essays in Public and Labor Economics
Lam Nguyen Dynamic Causal Inference with Imperfect Identifying Information
Kevin Ray Essays in Natural Resource Economics
Wayne Sandholtz Essays on Public Service Delivery
Sameem Siddiqui Essays in Development Economics
Chelsea Swete Essays in Applied Microeconomics
Daniela Vidart Delgado Essays on Technological Change, Human Capital Accumulation and Economic Growth
Yang Wang Essays on Human Capital
Yuehui Wang Information Exchange in Strategic Settings: Two Illustrations
Shihan Xie Essays on Monetary Policy, Household Expectations, and Housing Prices
Chu Yu Essays in Climate Economics



Name Dissertation Title
Vinayak Alladi Essays in Access-Based Beliefs
Yae In Baek Essays on Structural Breaks and Forecasting in Econometric Models
Naveen Basavanhally Essays in Prosocial Behavior
Patrick Bloom Real Exchange Rates and Foreign Portfolio Investment
Dodge Cahan Essays in Political Economy
Paul Feldman Essays on Risk and Time
Ying Feng Firm Learning, Unemployment, and Self-Employment in Growth and Development
Emilien Gouin-Bonenfant Essays on Labor Markets and Inequality
Yanjun Liao Essays in Environmental Economics
Chen Liu Essays in International Economics
Ce Liu Essays in Microeconomic Theory
Xueying Lu Essays in Environmental and Energy Economics
Yifei Lyu Essays on Fiscal Policy and Oil Price Shocks
Seung-Keun Martinez Essays in Peer, Time, and Risk Preferences
Eul Noh The Effects of Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy, and College Share on the U.S. Economy
Pablo Ruiz Junco Three Empirical Analyses within Applied Microeconomics
Briana Sullivan Essays on the Economics of Justice and Gender
Fanglin Sun Essays on Environmental Policy and Climate Change
Wenxin Xie Essays in Environmental Economics and International Trade
Xu Zhang Three Essays on Monetary Policy


Name Dissertation Title
Desmond Ang Essays on Race and Political Economy
Jason Bigenho Essays in Applied Microeconomics
Thomas Corringham Wildfires, Floods, and Climate Variability
Asad Dossani Essays on Inference from Option Markets
Erin Giffin Essays in Microeconomic Theory and Experimental Economics
Pedram Heydari Essays on Decision Theory and Economic Networks
Grant Johnson U.S. Government Institutions and the Economy
Mauricio Romero Three Essays on Improving Learning Outcomes in Africa
Won-Ki Seo Representation Theory for Cointegrated Functional Time Series
Zhenting Sun Essays on Non-parametric and High-dimensional Econometrics
Diego Vera-Cossio Essays on Development Economics
Xiaxin Wang Essays on the Economics of Taxation


Name Dissertation Title
Roy Allen Essays on Identification
Zachary Breig Essays in Microeconomics
Qihui Chen Essays in Econometrics
David Coyne Essays on the Economics of Education and Fiscal Federalism
Xuan Ding Essay on Strategic Information Transmission in Trading Environments
Mitch Downey Essays on Applied Microeconomics and Policy
Leland Farmer Discrete Methods for the Estimation of Nonlinear Economic Models
Sieuwerd Gaastra Essays in Economics of Education and Public Economics
Isla Globus-Harris Essays on Economic Incentives in Environmental Policy
Elizabeth Hastings Essays on the Economics of Public Procurement
Kilian Heilmann Essays in Urban Economics and International Trade
Zheng Huang Vertical Contracting and Downstream Competition
Claudio Labanca Essays in Labor and Public Economics
Onyi Lam Essays on Political Economy of the Media
Vincent Leah-Martin Essays on Labor Supply and Uncertainty
Erik Lillethun Essays on the Economics of Information Policy and Information Acquisition
Nelson Lind Essays on Macroeconomic Crises
Robert Mackay Essays in Public Economics and Local Public Finance
Shanthi Manian Essays in Health and Development Economics
John Rehbeck Essays on Revealed Preference and Decisions
Ahmad-Reza Sharifi Three essays in household finance
Jeffrey Shrader Economic adaptation to the environment
Koji Takahashi Essays in Banking and Monetary Policy
Jue Wang Aging Population and Household Labor Supply
Erin Wolcott Essays on Macroeconomics
Boris Wong Essays in Retirement and Public Economics
Wenbin Wu Essays on Monetary Economics
Wei You The Spatial Organization of Economic Activity in Cities
Sam Young Essays in the Economics of Education
Irina Zhecheva Forecasting and the Price of Risk in Commodity and Bond Markets


Name Dissertation Title
Richard Brady Topics in voting and choice theory
Ayal Chen-Zion Networks in labor markets and information
Adam Greenberg Essays in Behavioral Economics
Sarojini Hirshleifer Essays on Incentives, Human Capital and Productivity
Jungbin Hwang Fixed smoothing asymptotic theory in over-identified econometric models in the presence of time-series and clustered dependence.
Jacob Johnson Essays in Decisions, Institutions, and the Environment
Michael Levere Essays on Early Childhood and Adolescence
Yoshiyuki Miyoshi Essays in Public Finance
Arman Rezaee Improving Governance and Wellbeing in Fragile States: Three Essays
Henrique Romero Essays on Social Insurance, Education, and Health
Brigitte Roth Tran Essays on Finance, the Environment, and Philanthropy
Alison Sanchez Essays in decision making and beliefs
Gonzalo Valdes Essays in International Economics


Name Dissertation Title
Hie Joo Ahn Heterogeneity and Unemployment Dynamics
Andrew Brownback Experimental Evidence of Behavioral Responses to Uncertainty
Sung Je Byun Financial Volatility and the Macroeconomy
Denise Hammock Clayton Essays in Health Economics
Zheng Fang Estimation and Inference of Directionally Differentiable Functions: Theory and Applications
Stephanie Fried Essays On Climate Change and the Macroeconomy
Matthew Gibson Worker and Firm Responses to Environmental Policies
Matthew Goldman Essays on Economic Behavior in Field Settings
Matthew Knepper Essays on Health and Labor Markets
Marina Kutyavina Determinants of labor market choices: age differentials and family circumstances
William Leung Three essays in energy economics
Xuan Liang Implications of Homeownership for Endogenous Risk Aversion, Asset Pricing and Portfolio Composition
Benjamin Miller Weather, Expectations, and Complex Incentives
Oleksiy Mnyshenko Essays in Energy and Innovation
Yana Morgulis Effect of the Small Business Administration on Small Business Lending Markets and Activity
Jamie Mullins The Regulation and Health Effects of Air Pollution
Anh Pham Essays On Taxation and Firm Behavior in Developing Countries
Therese Scharlemann Three Essays in Housing Finance
Lawrence Schmidt Essays in Financial Economics
Juwon Seo Copula-based Econometric Models of Intertemporal and Cross-sectional Dependence
Ling Shao Essays in the Economics of Education
Tamara Sheldon Essays about Energy Economics
Christopher Steiner Three essays in applied microeconomics
Erin Troland Essays on Public Spending and Taxation in Developing Countries
Michael Wither Essays On Regulation Policies: Evidence from Minimum Wage Increases and Information Disclosure in the Airline Industry


Name Dissertation Title
Travis Brayak Effects of Matching in Economics: Social Networks and the Marriage Market
Andrew Chamberlain Policy and Behavior: Essays in Applied Microeconomics
Linchun Chen Essays on Identification and Weak Identification
Alex Imas Emotional Dynamics in Social Behavior and Choice Under Uncertainty
Michael Kuhn Heterogeneity in Time Preference: Measurement, Manipulation and Importance for Economic Policy
Charles Lin Essays in Microeconomic Theory
Jong-Myun Moon Essays in Econometrics
Stephen Morris Identification of Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models
Ketki Sheth Essays in Development Economics
Myung Kyu Shim Essays in Macroeconomics
Fan Xia The Term Structure of Interest Rates, Monetary Policy, and Macroeconomy
Jedrzej Zieleniak Essays on Education Policy


Name Dissertation Title
Samuel Bazzi Essays in Development Economics
Dallas Dotter Essays on the Impacts of Education Policies
Michael Furchtgott Essays on Corporate Finance and Governance
Laura Gee Essays About Group Dynamics and Social Networks
Dalia Ghanem Nonseparable Panel Data Models Identification, Estimation and Testing
Ashley Hooper The Effect of Municipal Redevelopment Policy and State Recourse Laws on the Residential Housing Market
David Kaplan New Theory and Methods for High-Order Accurate Inference on Quantile Treatment Effectsand Conditional Quantiles
Troy Kravitz Essays on Incentives for Effort Provision in Principal-Agent Settings
Chim Lau Interest Rate, Credit, and Monetary Policy in a Low Interest Rate Environment
John McAdams Essays in Labor Economics
Matthew Niedzwiecki Essays on Health Insurance, Household Liquidity, and the Demand for Medical Care
Kelly Paulson Semiparametric Methods for Choice Models in Panel Data with Persistence
Lucas Siga Essays on Strategic Behavior with Information Goods
Xiahua Wei Consumer Switching and Competition Strategy in IT-enabled Markets
Yi Zhan Essays on Ethnicity and Economic Choices
Ji Zhang Labor Market Frictions, Interest Rates, and Macroeconomic Policies


Name Dissertation Title
Ben Backes Essays on the Impacts of Affirmative Action
J. A. Bohren Information and Incentives in Stochastic Games, Social Learning and Crowdsourcing
Thomas Daula Essays in Macroeconomics
Kirti Gupta Economics of Intellectual Property: Valuation, Strategy and Policy Impact
Soojin Jo The Impact of Uncertainty and Risk Measures
Benjamin Kay Essays on Frictions in Financial Macroeconomics
Aeimit Lakdawala Essays in Monetary Policy
Antung Liu Three Essays at the Intersection of Public Finance and Environmental Economics
Doungdao Mahakitsiri Trade and Institutions
Danielken Molina Three Essays on International Trade
Shalini Nageswaran Essays on Liquidity of U.S. Common Stocks
Leah Nelson Investments in Children in Developing Countries
Kevin Novan Essays on Energy and Environmental Policy
Aaron Schroeder Essays on Consumer Behavior
Martin Tobal Distributional Effects of Trade and Tariffs Between and Within Countries


Name Dissertation Title
Maria Banegas Essays on Predictability of Emerging Markets Growth and Financial Performance
Michael Callen Essays in Development, Governance, and Decisions
Tiffany Chou Essays in Labor Economics
Samuel Dastrup Mortgage Default and Student Outcomes, the Solar Home Price Premium, and the Magnitude of Housing Price Declines
Jess Diamond Essays on the Japanese Labor Market
David Eil Essays in Behavioral Economics
Benjamin Fissel Modeling and estimation of financial and bioeconomic settings in a dynamic environment
Benjamin Gilbert Essays on Institutions and Innovation in Natural Resource Industries
Youjin Hahn Essays on Health Insurance and Education
Oana Hirakawa Essays in International Trade and Entrepreneurship
Elisa Hovander Contracting and Litigation Under Biases and Asymmetric Information
Chulyoung Kim Essays on Communication Games with Multiple Informants and Their Applications to Legal Systems
Min Kim Improved Inference for spatial and panel models
Daniel Lima Essays on unconventional pricing strategies and impacts of economic regulation on stock return asymmetry
Philip Neary Multiple-Group Games
William Peterman Optimal Taxation in Life Cycle Models
Alberto Rossi Essays on Time-Varying Investment Opportunities and Investors' Asset Allocation
Sarada Sarada Essays in Entrepreneurship
Charles Sprenger Essays in Time and Risk
Cindy Vojtech Understanding and Managing Corporate Agency Problems
Jarrod Welch Three essays on environment and development economics
Jing Wu Term Structure of Interest Rates and Monetary Policy
Hee-Seung Yang Essays in Public and Labor Economics


Name Dissertation Title
Michael Bauer The impact of news on monetary policy expectations
Johnathan Boone Three essays concerning information transmission
Michael Ewens Venture capital returns, new firms and social networks
Benjamin Gillen Essays on inference and strategic modeling
Hiroaki Kaido Inference for Partially Identified Economic Models
Jacob Lariviere Optimal policy structure in natural resource and environmental economics
Jaimie Lien Essays in behavioral economics: Evidence from the field
Xun Lu Four essays in econometrics
Aren Megerdichian Identification of demand in differentiated products markets
Juanjuan Meng Three essays on behavioral economics
Justin Rao Essays in belief formation and decision making
Suyong Song Endogeneity and measurement error in nonparametric and semiparametric models
Jaime Thomas Essays in labor economics and the economics of education
Bryan Tomlin Statistical discrimination, recognition and altruism, and pure /mixed strategy manipulation
Patricia Tong Three essays in labor economics
Nicholas Turner The economic impact of tax-based federal student aid
Liang Wang Three essays in labor economics
Li Zhou Three essays on international trade and economic development



Name Dissertation Title
Scott Borger Essays on migration and monetary policy
Grayson Calhoun Limit theory for overfit models
Meng Huang Essays on testing conditional independence
Lei Meng Essays on rural -urban migration in hinterland China
Lindsay Oldenski Nonroutine tasks in international trade
Young Park Essays on biased self image
Adam Sanjurjo Essays in decision making under cognitive load


Name Dissertation Title
Andra Ghent Essays in monetary economics
Bryan Goudie Essays on regional and firm -level productivity, military spending, and technology
Munechika Katayama Dynamic analysis in productivity, oil shock, and recession
Christopher Nekarda Measuring U.S. labor market dynamics
Seth Pruitt Three essays on macroeconomics
Christopher Reicher Three essays on estimation of policy disturbances
Jason Shafrin Essays on health economics
Christopher Wignall The economics of real estate brokerage and contracts
Ruojun Wu Essays on the predictability and volatility of returns in the stock market
Scott Borger Essays on migration and monetary policy


Name Dissertation Title
James Brennan Contracting with reading costs and renegotiation costs
Karim Chalak Essays on the definition, identification, and estimation of causal effects
Lone Christiansen Essays on productivity, technology, and economic fluctuations
Maria Damon An empirical study of environmental policy and technology adoption: Phasing out toxic antifouling paints on recreational boats
Yong-Gook Jung Essays on the specification of New Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model
Young Do Kim Return distributions and applications
Kwang Kim Essays on investment -specific technological change, factor -hoarding and business cycles
Cory Koedel Three essays on teacher quality and educational production
Jeffrey Lin Agglomeration and labor-market activities: Evidence from U.S. cities
Jose Martinez Mexican migration to the United States: Patterns and the role of remittances, networks and globalization
Radu Munteanu Three essays on licensing university inventions
Jason Murray Constrained marine resource management
Jeffrey O'Hara Water resources planning under climate change and variability
Francisco Pascual Essays on the optimal selection of series functions
Jennifer Poole Mobility and information flows in international trade and investment
Ricardo Serrano-Padial Essays on strategic incentives for information revelation
Karmen Suen Three essays on the economics of immigration and education
Yuan Tang Essays in empirical microeconomics
Deniz Tudor Essays on portfolio choice with Bayesian methods
Leslie Wallace The emergent contingent workforce


Name Dissertation Title
Andrew Caffrey Essays on investor and mutual fund behavior
Bolong Cao Debt financing and the dynamics of agency costs
Tolga Cenesizoglu Essays on the stock market's reaction to macroeconomic news
Nagore Iriberri Essays in behavioral game theory: Auctions, hide and seek, and coordination
Masako Miyanishi Essays on hypothesis testing in the presence of nearly integrated variables
Agusto Nieto Barthaburu Essays on microeconomics and statistical decision making
Jose Rangel Stock market volatility and price discovery: Three essays on the effect of macroeconomic information
Marius Rodriguez Essays on financial analysts' forecasts


Name Dissertation Title
Carlos Capistran Essays on forecast evaluation under general loss functions
Hibiki Ichiue Essays on the yield curve, its predictive power and monetary policy
Kevin King Three essays on understanding welfare reform
Zhigang Li Economic consequences of public policies in China: Three essays
Juri Marcucci Essays on financial econometrics
Francesca Mazzolari Essays on welfare and immigration
George Monokroussos Dynamic limited dependent variable modeling and United States monetary policy
Tatsuyoshi Okimoto Modern econometric analysis: Theory and applications
Kazuki Onji Taxation and the behavior of corporate groups
Giuseppe Ragusa Essays on moment conditions models econometrics
Steven Scroggin Essays in dynamic uncertainty: Behavioral economics, investment theory and law and economics
David Vera Essays on the monetary transmission mechanism, changes in the United States banking system and small business lending
Nada Wasi Essays on household mobility, urban amenities, economic opportunities and costs


Name Dissertation Title
Yoichi Arai Nonlinear nonstationary time series analysis and its application
Francisco Covas Managerial incentives, corporate investment, and economic performance
Shigeru Fujita Essays on macroeconomic dynamics of job vacancies, job flows and entrepreneurial activities
Andreas Heinen Modelling time series counts data in financial microstructure
Isao Ishida Essays on financial time series
Munir Jalil Essays on the effect of information on monetary policy
Robert Lieli Three essays on the prediction of binary variables
Herbert Newhouse The emergence of commodity money as a medium of exchange
Bradley Paye Essays on stock return predictability and portfolio allocation
Luis Pinto Positive self image and asymmetries in information processing: Existence and implications for economic analysis
Lorien Rice Transportation as a determinant of education and employment outcomes
Kevin Sheppard Three essays on modeling conditional correlation
Liangjun Su Nonparametric tests for conditional independence
Anthony Webb Savings and retirement in the new millennium


Name Dissertation Title
Maximilian Auffhammer Essays in environmental and regional economics
Daniel Chiquiar-Cikurel Essays on the regional implications of globalization: The case of Mexico
Raffaella Giacomini Essays in forecast evaluation
Pauline Kennedy Three essays on the prediction and identification of currency crises
Shinobu Nakagawa Important roles of housing stock in consumer behaviors
Steven Sumner Bank equity and the monetary transmission mechanism
Daniel Vine Sourcing the decline in United States GDP volatility: Evidence from the automobile industry
Elliot Williams Essays in multiple comparison testing


Name Dissertation Title
Elena Bisagni The overnight interbank market in the United States and in the Euro area
Jin Cho Three essays on testing hypotheses with irregular conditions
Andrew Patton Applications of copula theory in financial econometrics


Name Dissertation Title
Jesse Bull A game theoretic analysis of verifiability and dispute resolution
Michael Davis Dynamic models of price changes
Neville Francis Essays on human capital and technology shocks
Timothy Kane The convergence of nations: Three papers on international growth
Heather Rose Issues in education: Math curriculum and earnings, test score gaps, and affirmative action
Guy Yamashiro Disaggregated systems and the monetary transmission mechanism
Allan Zebedee The flow of information in financial markets: A market microstructure examination
Zhiwei Zhang Empirical analysis of nonlinear macroeconomic relations with applications to business cycles and speculative currency attacks


Name Dissertation Title
Young-Hye Cho Time -varying betas and market microstructures in option markets
Silvia Goncalves The bootstrap for dependent heterogeneous processes
Massimo Guidolin Asset prices on Bayesian learning paths
Christian Haefke The European unemployment puzzle
Peter Hansen Structural changes in cointegrated processes
Ana Herrera Inventories, oil shocks, and aggregate economic behavior
Garett Jones Measuring the liquidity effect with daily data
Dong Kim Essays on the term structure of interest rates, monetary policy, and business cycle
Young-Sook Lee The Federal funds market and the overnight Eurodollar market
Simone Manganelli Conditional autoregressive value at risk and other essays in financial econometrics
Johannes Moenius Three essays on trade barriers and trade volumes
Michael Owyang Three essays on the behavior of monetary policy
Elena Pesavento Analytical evaluation and application of tests for cointegration
Christopher Stomberg Specification testing with information matrix equalities
Yueting Tong Foreign direct investment, exports, and firm performance in Southeast Asia
Vitor Trindade Three essays on informational barriers, coordination failures, and international trade
Iichiro Uesugi Monetary policy, the banking system, and short -term money instrument
Leroy Westerling Climate change and variability, and the role of information in catastrophe insurance markets



Name Dissertation Title
Cynthia Bansak Essays on labor market discrimination and job stability
Alfonso Dufour Essays on the econometrics of inter-trade durations and market liquidity
Changho Han Multi -variate estimation and forecasting with artificial neural networks
Namwon Hyung Essays on panel and nonlinear time series analysis
Yongil Jeon Four essays on forecasting evaluation and econometric estimation
Magnus Lofstrom Three essays on the role of skills and education in immigration and self-employment
Makoto Shimoji Essays in game theory and application: Extensive form rationalizability, and demotion in employment relationships
Aaron Smith Stochastic permanent breaks
Takashi Yamashita Housing as an asset in portfolio decisions
Kang-Oh Yi Three essays on quantal response equilibrium model


Name Dissertation Title
Marvin Barth Essays on the transmission of monetary policy
Maria Candido Financial market liquidity, asset pricing, and financial crises
Miguel Costa-Gomes Essays on behavior and cognition in experimental game theory
Alejandro Gaviria Three essays on social interactions and intergenerational mobility
Ling-Ling Huang The econometric analysis of economic growth: Three essays
Tae-Hwan Kim The shrinkage least absolute deviation estimator in large samples and its application to the Treynor-Black model
Joe Lange An intraday analysis of stock market liquidity
Yi-Chen Lin Essays on sectoral shifts and input reallocation
Gang Lin Nesting regime-switching GARCH models and stock market volatility, returns and the business cycle
Donald McCubbin Three empirical investigations in environmental economics
Suzanne Seagrave The role of expensive technologies in the new medical marketplace


Name Dissertation Title
Yin-Feng Gau Heteroskedastic volatility of foreign exchange rates
Jyh-Chyi Gong The dynamics of social interaction
Andreas Gottschling Three essays in neural networks and financial prediction
Tomoo Inoue Business fixed investment and nonlinear time series analysis
Sumio Ishikawa Empirical studies on the nonlinear economic models
Eric Johnson Essays on education and income mobility
Oscar Jorda The econometrics of irregularly spaced time series data in macroeconomic research
Imho Kang An analysis of United States monetary policy
Ya-Hue Lee The power of residual-based cointegration tests, and the dynamics of female fertility, education and labor supply
Pedro Pereira Three essays on cost-reducing investment
Jamie Shkolnik School resource allocation and the production of education
Scott Spear Essays in finance and time series econometrics
Ching Tong Social networks and dynamic interaction among imperfectly rational agents


Name Dissertation Title
Fabrizio Germano Two papers in mathematical economics
Scott Gilbert Modelling economic regimes via semi-nonparametric regression
Josefa Monteagudo Essays on international trade and economic growth
Cameron Odgers Three papers on the theory and evidence of noncompetitive economic behavior
Lucio Picci Essays on the comovements of output
Gabriel Quiros Three essays in business cycles and finance
Joshua Rosenberg Option hedging and valuation under stochastic volatility
Jeffrey Russell Econometric analysis of irregularly spaced transaction data using a new class of accelerated failure time models with applications to financial transaction data
Nadine Watson Positive minimum wage effects on employment: Alternative explanations


Name Dissertation Title
Paola Agostini Economic analysis of ecologically sensitive areas in developing countries
Chi-Shing Chan Resource allocation and oligopolistic markets
Melinda Deutsch Aspects of the combination of forecasts, evaluation of policy models, and the characterization of the behavior of an economic system around its equilibrium
Nicholas Flores Three essays concerning the valuation of environmental goods
Joseph Haimowitz Empirical investigations into the dynamics of price adjustment
Lynette Hilton The incentive effects of the welfare system
Jyotsna Jalan Model specification and evaluation in econometrics
Kenya Kura Essays on economic growth and development from an intergenerational perspective
Shinichi Sakata High breakdown point estimation in econometrics
Junghwan Seo Holding options in a theory of search


Name Dissertation Title
Steven Boyce An analysis of the effects of compulsory arbitration on bargaining
Bruno Broseta Adaptive learning processes in coordination games
Valentina Corradi Asymptotic properties of parametric and nonparametric estimators of continuous and discrete time Markov processes
Zhuanxin Ding Time series analysis of speculative returns
Gary Lee Long-run and short-run modeling of asset return volatility
Francis Lim Estimating the elasticity of demand for gambling through the analysis of Lotto
Sheila Najberg Search and inflation
Thomas Osang Essays on open economies with endogenous growth
Rajiv Sarin Stochastic dynamics in games: Learning and evolution
Norman Swanson Essays in forecasting stationary and nonstationary stochastic processes
Diana Weinhold Dynamic, cross-section analysis of growth and development
Megan Werner Public choice issues in environmental economics
Gawon Yoon Extension of cointegration techniques to a fairly large system of macroeconomic variables
Klaus Zauner Inference preserving perturbations of extensive-form games


Name Dissertation Title
Antonio Cabrales Evolutionary game dynamics
Xiaohong Chen Asymptotic properties of recursive m-estimators in an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space
Yongmiao Hong Specification testing in econometrics using m-tests
Joao Issler Common trends and common cycles in macroeconomic data
Bradley Kamp Survey bias and quality incentives
Toru Konishi Separation and long-run non-causality in a cointegrated system
Jaesun Noh Essays on option market and testing for seasonal unit roots
Marion Picard An analysis of inter-industry wage differentials: Two essays
Pu Shen Essays on bid-ask spreads, term premia and excess returns
Chor Sin Three essays on non-linear time series
Farshid Vahid-Araghi Essays on common dynamic features in multiple time series
Steven Waters Single origin zones and multiple sites: Extending the discrete choice travel cost model


Name Dissertation Title
Anna Alberini The informational content of binary responses
Heather Anderson Nonlinearities and shifts in macroeconomic regimes
Mark Kamstra A collection of papers in econometric theory
Sharon Kozicki Theory and applications of common features
Ping Kuo The economics of rotating credit associations
Marie Racine Arbitrage pricing theory, conditional coskewness and volatility shocks and time-varying coskewness and its value to investors
Jean Shelton The economics of intergenerational transfers


Name Dissertation Title
Ann Dentinger Three essays on Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)
Gloria Gonzalez-Rivera The relevance of distributional assumptions in GARCH models and applications to the evaluation of financial risk
Jesus Gonzalo Estimation of long-run equilibrium relationships and common long memory components in cointegrated systems
John Haraden The economic development of magma power
Jong-Haak Hong Information transmission in two economic models
Jau-Lian Jeng The volatility of futures prices
Yueh-Shi Kao Part-time and full-time female labor force participation rates and fertility rates: An application of modern time series methods
Jin Lin Three essays on nonlinear time series
David Selover Two essays in international economics
Raul Susmel The role of foreign news and common volatility in international stocks markets
Grau Viladrich Monitoring and pollution control: A stochastic process approach to model oil spills


Name Dissertation Title
Eun Chah Three essays in consumer optimization with durables and capital market imperfections
Chia-Shang Chu The econometrics of structural change
Margarita Genius Semiparametric estimation of binary discrete choice models
Devajyoti Ghose Applications of cointegration to some problems of aggregation
Miwako Hagiwara Volatility in the terms of trade with heterogeneous preferences
Jeffrey Hallman Nonlinear integrated series, cointegration and an application
Miguel Herce The asymptotic theory of L(1)-norm estimation of a unit root
Yong-Gwan Kim An evolutionary approach to the coordination problem in games
Hahn Lee Inference on long-run equilibrium relationship in economic time series
Tae-Hwy Lee Essays on multicointegration and nonlinearity
Tung Liu Time series of synchronization and chaos
Matthew Mattson Essays in "end-use modeling" and "sociopolitical instability and investment in Latin America"
Lih-Jau Wang Essays on optimal taxation of foreign source investment income



Name Dissertation Title
Andreas Blume Three essays on renegotiation in games
Susan Charrette Capital flight and the Latin American debt crisis with an application to Mexico
Pedro Gozalo A general model specification testing framework for nonparametric estimation of the regression function
Katherine Kiel The appreciation of individual housing units and its impact on mobility
Chung-Ming Kuan Estimation of neural network models
Wen-Ling Lin Heteroskedastic intradaily volatility in the foreign exchange market--estimation, identification and forecasting
Yasuhiro Nakagami Four essays on housing market dynamics
Victor Ng Asset pricing with time-varying volatility: Theory and empirical studies
Teodosio Perez-Amaral Dynamic information matrix tests and m-tests: New results, simulations and an application
Steve Slezak Essays on endogenous asset return generation with asymmetrically informed traders and market interruptions


Name Dissertation Title
Gary Biglaiser Noncooperative coalition formation
Yeu-Tien Chou The role of risk in financial markets
Mustafa Chowdhury The persistence and implied persistence of volatility of stock returns
Isamu Ginama Estimation of precautionary savings in the U.S. and Japan
Ted Hong The investigation of volatility in GARCH
John Horowitz Three essays in intertemporal choice
Linda Hunter-Cormier The effects of the demand side on trade
Joon-Kyung Kim The role of money in economies with imperfect capital markets: Theory and empirical evidence
Kenneth Kroner Multivariate simultaneous generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity
Boon Lim Essays on financial economics
Katherine McClain Trend analysis of economic time-series
William Neilson Generalized expected utility analysis: Theory and applications
Inigo Zapater Two essays on information in economics


Name Dissertation Title
Jeffrey Grogger Efficient criminal justice policy and the deterrent effect of capital punishment
Rebecca Havens The interstate migration of college students: Estimates of a logistic model
Sung Kim Income taxation vs. consumption taxation: Theory and empirical evidence
Ciaran Phibbs The effects of quality competition and excess capacity on hospital behavior
Isabel Sanchez Three essays on the theory of hierarchical delegation
James Wood A new model of security price change and volume behavior over transaction data
Byung Sam Yoo Co-integrated time series: Structure, forecasting and testing
Jeffrey Zabel The likelihood ratio test as a model selection criterion with an application to models of female labor supply behavior
Adolfo Todo-Rovira The provision of local public goods: Theory and empirical evidence


Name Dissertation Title
Scott Brown Post-sample forecasting comparisons and model selection procedures
Mark Johnson Informational aspects of procedures for collective choice
Jeffrey Wooldridge Asymptotic properties of econometric estimators


Name Dissertation Title
Iftekharul Chaudhury The impact of conditional price variability on sectoral employment: Theory and evidence
Jerome Fons On the pricing of risky corporate debt (Bond, Default)
Ralph Hayward Optimal high valuer auctions and the selection of final offers in final offer arbitration
Frank Monforte Dislocated workers: A study of the downriver community economics readjustment activity program (Heckman, Singer, Detroit, Michigan)
David Trumble Regulating a natural monopoly under uncertainty when excess demand is randomly rationed (Expected net consumer surplus)


Name Dissertation Title
Yoshihisa Baba Estimation of the effect of uncertainty: Theory and empirical studies
Clara Chu Dynamic analysis of the exchange rate theory
Brian Edwards Essays in the economic analysis of the multispecies fishery
Gary Stern Bivariate non-parametric regression and varying parameter regression as applied to weather normalization (Economics, Econometrics, Time series)


Name Dissertation Title
Norman Clifford Efficiency with asymmetric information
Edward Coulson Modelling variation in hedonic prices for housing attributes
Eitan Gerstner Temporal price dispersion
Robert Marshall An analysis of vacancies and price setting behavior in the rental housing market
Ichiro Takahashi Sequential models of international trade, bargaining, and intertemporal price discrimination
Allan Young Bargaining under incomplete information: Attitudes toward risk and strategic behavior


Name Dissertation Title
Ian Domowitz Econometric estimation with dependent observations
Dennis Kraft Extensions of the arch model with applications to United States inflation
Jeffrey McCombs Physician price and treatment decisions: A multiple treatments model
Mike Phillips Regulatory issues in a multiple species fishery: The case of San Pedro (California)
Russell Robins Econometric models for time varying risk premiums


Name Dissertation Title
Guillermo Estebanez Policies in open economies when prices do not clear markets: Three essays
Sandra Krieger Tests for the misspecification of the role of policy variables in money market models: An application of the Lagrange multiplier test for weak exogeneity


Name Dissertation Title
Nancy Thornborrow Older worker labor force participation
Mark Watson Applications of Kalman filter models in econometrics



Name Dissertation Title
R. Michael Black Two economic applications of dynamic optimization theory
Terry Chacon Public employment in a macroeconomic model
Roseline Joyeux Harmonizable processes in economics
George McCollister New methods for identifying time series models and an evaluation of the economic indicators


Name Dissertation Title
Walter Lane Product differentiation in a market with endogenous sequential entry


Name Dissertation Title
James Johnson Optimal forecasting and the valuation of securities
Harold Nelson The use of box-cox transformations in economic time series analysis: An empirical study


Name Dissertation Title
Richard Ashley Postponed linear approximations in stochastic multiperiod programming
Darrel Cohen The role of fiscal policy in financially disaggregated macroeconomic models
Paul Sommers Birth control in an econometric simulation model


Name Dissertation Title
Charles Gregory Optimal income redistribution
Stephen Huxley An inter-regional input-output model for the state of Queensland, Australia, 1970-71
Dharam Kapil Discouraged worker versus additional worker hypothesis: Emperical analysis of labor force behavior and some implications
Tracy Lewis Optimal resource management under conditions of uncertainty: The case of an ocean fishery
J. Stuart McMenamin A disaggregated international linkage model: The supply price approach
Jean-Paul Pinard A disaggregated international linkage model: The profit function approach


Name Dissertation Title
Richard O'Toole Monetary policy in a neo-Keynesian growth model
Panagiotis Papakyriazis Optimal experimental design in econometric models
William Roberts Monetary expansion, capital accumulation and balance of trade


Name Dissertation Title
Richard Harriff Economic theory and distributed lags
Daniel Williamson A differential game version of the entry barrier problem


Name Dissertation Title
Adam Gifford Environmental issues and economic growth
Dwight Lee Dynamic profit maximization under conditions of monopoly
Michel Richonnier Experimental design in econometrics: Some extensions
Subhash Thakur Theory estimation of speculative capital movements


Name Dissertation Title
Joan Anderson An econometric model of inflation, excess demand and changes in the wage rate
Robert McNown A simulation study of the small sample properties of several distributed lag estimators


Name Dissertation Title
John Hardesty An empirical study of the relationship between poverty and economic prosperity