There are two minors in the Department of Economics: Economics (EN25) and Business Economics (EN30) (effective FA21).
To declare a minor, please follow the instructions on this page.
We recommend declaring your minor sooner than later in your academic career so that your degree audit correctly reflects your completed and remaining minor courses.
Policies for All Our Minors
- Courses for our minors can be taken pass/no pass. This includes both lower division and upper division requirements. There is no limit to the amount of requirements that can be taken for P/NP. However, if you plan to overlap a minor course with your major, you should check with your major department if they will allow P/NP grades for your major.
- If courses are taken for a letter grade, passing is considered a "C-" or better.
- Lower-division classes can apply to both your major and your minor.
- Two upper-division courses (maximum of 8 units) can apply to both your major and your minor.
- Upper-division courses cannot apply to the requirements of more than one minor.
- This chart shows a visual representation of the types of overlaps allowed between majors and minors.
- Minors are open to all students, except those with the following majors: Economics (EN25), Management Science (EN26), Joint Mathematics-Economics (EN28, MA33), International Studies-Economics (IS26) and Business Economics (EN30).
Economics Minor (EN25)
What are the course requirements for the Economics minor?
Can Econ 100A and/or Econ 110A be used toward both lower and upper division requirements?
No. You can use Econ 100A and/or Econ 110A toward EITHER your lower division OR upper division requirements.
For example, if you take Econ 1, Econ 100A (in place of Econ 2), and Econ 3, you will still need to take 5 more upper division Econ courses in addition to 100A. Econ 100A will count only toward your lower division core requirements.
The same applies to Econ 110A. For example, if you take Econ 1, Econ 2, and Econ 110A (in place of Econ 3), you will still need to take 5 more upper division Econ courses in addition to 110A. Econ 110A will count only toward your lower division core requirements.
If you have questions about the above, please send a "Question" to "Economics" via VAC.
Can Econ 134 be used toward EN25 minor requirements?
Yes. Starting SP24 and until further notice otherwise, students pursuing an EN25 minor can use Econ 134 toward fulfilling one of the minor's upper division course requirements. Though the General Catalog states that Econ 134 is open only to majors, minors can submit an EASy request to enroll in the class.
We strongly recommend students submit an EASy well ahead of first pass as the department receives a high load of requests during enrollment periods and can review your request quicker if you submit ahead of time.
What are the residency requirements for the Economics minor?
To receive a minor in Economics, no more than four upper-division courses taken externally from UC San Diego can be counted toward the minor. Each course must be petitioned. Please note that there are no guarantees that a given petition will be approved. If you have questions about the petitioning process, please send a "Question" to "Economics" via VAC.
(Effective 12/18/2023 and on.)
Business Economics Minor (EN30)
What are the course requirements for the Business Economics minor?
Please review the course requirements here.
MGT 45 versus Econ 4 and MGT 5
For the Financial Accounting requirement for the minor, you must take MGT 45 OR both Econ 4 and MGT 5. In other words, if you take MGT 45, you don't need to take Econ 4 or MGT 5 to complete the minor. However, if you decide to take Econ 4, you will need to also take MGT 5 in order to finish all your minor requirements.
If you have questions about the above, please send a "Question" to "Economics" via VAC.
Is Econ 4 the same as MGT 4?
Yes, Econ 4 and MGT 4 are crosslisted. They are considered to be the same course. Taking one is equivalent to taking the other.
Additionally, credit is not allowed for both ECON 4 and MGT 4 (ie if you take Econ 4, you will not get credit for MGT 4 and vice versa).
Can Econ 134 be used toward EN30 minor requirements?
Yes. Starting SP24 and until further notice otherwise, students pursuing an EN30 minor can use Econ 134 toward fulfilling one of the minor's Econ upper div course requirements. Though the General Catalog states that Econ 134 is open only to majors, minors can submit an EASy request to enroll in the class.
We strongly recommend students submit an EASy well ahead of first pass as the department receives a high load of requests during enrollment periods and can review your request quicker if you submit ahead of time.
What are the residency requirements for the Business Economics minor?
To receive a minor in Business Economics, no more than one upper division Economics course and one upper division Rady School course may be taken externally from UC San Diego and be counted toward the minor. Each course must be petitioned. Please note that there are no guarantees that a given petition will be approved.
If you have questions about the petitioning process for ECON courses, please send a "Question" to "Economics" via VAC. If you have questions about the petitioning process for MGT courses, please send a "Question" to "Rady School of Management" via VAC.
(Effective 12/28/2023 and on.)
Minors Complementary to our Majors
Computer Science and Engineering
Visit the CSE Minor page
Visit the Mathematics Minor page
Political Science
Visit the Political Science Minor page.