Opportunities for our Majors
- Undergraduate Research
- Undergraduate Instructional Apprentice
- Study Abroad
- Academic Achievement Awards
- Graduate School
Undergraduate students are encouraged to seek out research opportunitites within the Department through coursework, as well as on campus through the Academic Enrichment Programs, and Research Experience and Applied Learning (REAL) Portal.
These opportunities supplement and enhance coursework, provide a chance to participate in ongoing research in the Department, and foster collaboration with faculty (helpful for obtaining letters of recommendation).
Departmental coursework related to research include ECON 191A-B: Senior Essay Seminar and ECON 199: Special Studies.
The Senior Essay Seminar (Econ 191A-191B) is two quarters long with students taking 191A in the Spring then 191B in the Fall.
Econ 191A is anticipated to be offered from 5PM to 7:50PM on Thursdays of SP25.
The Seminar is for those of you with superior records who would like to learn how to do research and then write an original research paper. If you would like to build on your training through the pursuit of a research topic in an economics subfield of your choice, you should consider this Seminar. Completion of the two courses is part of the requirement for majors wishing to graduate with the phrase “with highest distinction” on their diplomas.
The typical completed paper runs 5,000-7,500 words and can serve as a writing sample for graduate school and job applications and may even be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Completing a research project and interacting closely with faculty and motivated peers is likely to be the most engaging, stimulating, and memorable part of your undergraduate training.
Class meetings focus on research methods, introduction to library resources, and student presentations of work in progress. Attendance is required. The meetings help to provide structure and feedback, but the bulk of the research process will be carried out independently. The research process includes a sequence of steps including:
For reference, you can review some of the most successful papers written by students in recent cohorts and an example of a successful application at https://sites.google.com/site/ec191cullen/.
Application Qualifications for Spring and Fall 2025
Enrollment is limited to majors within the Department of Economics who have completed the first two courses of the microeconomics and econometrics core course sequences (100AB and 120AB), have typically earned a 3.5 or above GPA in their upper-division economics courses, and show promise for conducting original research.
Students who will be taking 100B and 120B in SP25 are still eligible to apply. However, students who have already completed both courses will likely have more competitive applications.
Enrollment is restricted to assure participants close contact with the faculty supervisor. Professor Julie Cullen will be teaching for 2025. Students are further selected based on demonstrated potential for research through submission of an application and proposal.
ECON 191A-B Application Directions & Information Session
The 2025 virtual information session, which provided more info about 191AB, took place via Zoom from 3:30-4:30PM, Thursday, January 16, 2025.
Slides from the information session are linked below:
The 2024 virtual information session can be viewed here:
The Google Application is now closed. All applications and materials had to be submitted no later than 11:59PM, Thursday, March 6, 2025. Applications after this date were not accepted. (If you have issues with the application, please send an email to econugadvisor@ucsd.edu.)
Decisions on applications will be released on Friday, March 14, 2025.
Special Studies courses provide the opportunity to explore a particular topic in greater depth. The course may be used for upper-division Economics elective credit (Pass/No Pass) if taken for four units, but not if taken for two units. The topic, frequency and nature of meetings with the faculty member, and method of assessment are all determined in advance with the faculty member.
Undergraduate Economic Research Lab
Are you interested in pursuing a Ph.D? Are you considering a career in research or university teaching? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you should think about applying for admission to the UC San Diego McNair Program.
Learn about UC San Diego's McNair Program, which helps low-income, first-generation college students prepare for doctoral study.
If you are interested in the McNair Program, please first see our Vice Chair of Undergraduate Education, Dr. Melissa Famulari, for details. Vice Chair's Office Hours and contact information is available here.