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Explore Study Abroad Options

Learn about the different Study Abroad Options.

Education Abroad Program (EAP)

  • Designed specifically for UC students
  • Study abroad in 35 countries worldwide
  • Earn UC credit and letter grades
  • Visit the UC system-wide Education Abroad Program website

Opportunities Abroad Program (OAP)

  • Study abroad through another university's or organization's program and earn transfer credit at UC San Diego
  • Internship abroad for credit, experience, or pay
  • Find work or teaching opportunities
  • International volunteer programs

Global Seminars

  • Summer session programs abroad led by UC San Diego faculty
  • 5 week long UC San Diego course
  • Taught in English
  • Earn UC San Diego credit

Department of Economics Residency Requirements

To receive a bachelor of arts degree in economics, no more than four upper-division courses taken externally from UC San Diego can be counted toward the major.

To receive a bachelor of science degree in management science, no more than six upper-division courses taken externally from UC San Diego can be counted toward the major.

To receive a bachelor of science degree in joint mathematics/economics, no more than three upper-division courses taken externally from UC San Diego can be counted toward the major.

Before Going Abroad

What You Need to Do to Study Abroad

  1. View the Study Abroad Office "Getting Started" webpage to view the "First Steps" video online and learn how to study abroad.
  2. Visit the Study Abroad Office.
  3. Start your research in the Programs Abroad Library.
  4. Meet with a Study Abroad advisor.
  5. Complete your Academic Planning Form (APF):
    •  Check the list for courses that have been pre-approved by the UC San Diego Department of Economics.
    • List all courses you plan to take on your Academic Planning Form (APF) for review and prescreening.
    • If a course(s) is not in the list, please submit course description(s), with your APF, for review.
    • Submit your Academic Planning Form (APF) to the Economics Undergradute Advising Office at
    • Allow approximately 2 weeks for review/signature. You will be notified through the Virtual Advising Center once it has been signed.
  6. Visit your college advising office.

Things to Think About When Selecting Study Abroad Courses

  1. Upper division classes with course prerequisites are more likely to be accepted.
  2. Core courses can be more difficult to find abroad, because of their unique content to UCSD.
  3. Elective courses are more likely to be found because of their broad topic content.

After Returning from Abroad

What You Need to Do After you Study Abroad

Upon your return, you will need to petition the courses you took abroad in order to receive academic credit toward major or minor requirements.

  • Wait until your coursework appears on your Academic History on TritonLink before beginning the petition process.
  • Once the courses post, you will need to complete an Undergraduate Student Petition for each course you want to apply toward your Department of Economics major/minor.
  • Each petition must include:
    • The course number as it appears on TritonLink.
    • The course title.
    • Indicate if the course was taken through EAP or OAP.
      • If the course is taken through OAP, you will need to provide a copy of an unofficial transcript for the course.
    • The University where the course was taken.
    • The quarter/semester you took the course.
    • All coursework (i.e. syllabus, notes, exams, and papers).
  • Submit the completed petition, and supporting documentation, to Economics Undergraduate Student Services via this form: (must be signed into your UCSD Google account). We will forward the petition to our Vice Chair of Undergraduate Education for review.
  • We will contact you via the Virtual Advising Center once your petition has been reviewed; this usually takes about one-two weeks. 

EAP Reciprocity


EAP Reciprocity students are: non-degree seeking exchange students through the UC Education Abroad Program (EAP), studying at UC San Diego for a period of one, two, or three quarters.

Registering for Department of Economics Classes

  • Check the Schedule of Classes to see which courses are being offered.
  • Read the course descriptions and prerequisites for the courses you want to take. You can also view the syllabi from previous quarters (note that the content may change).
  • Register for your courses on TritonLink.
  • If you are unable to register for Department of Economics courses (subject code: ECON) but have completed the prerequisites courses at your home institution, please use the pre-authorization system to submit your request(s) to clear the prerequisites. Please do not email the instructor directly.

Quarterly Timeline

The Department of Economics follows UC San Diego's deadlines for adding, dropping, and wait-listing classes. Adding a class after the deadline is allowed only in exceptional cases such as a verified clerical error by a college or department.

Week 1 Classes begin
Week 2

Deadlines to:

  • Add classes (this includes wait-listed classes)
  • Apply for part-time status
Week 4

Deadlines to:

  • Drop without a W grade
  • Change grading option
  • Change units in variable unit classes
Week 5
  • Monday:Enrollment start times available for new quarter
  • Friday: Schedule of Classes for new quarter available
Week 6
  • Monday: Academic advising for next quarter begins
  • Wednesday: Enrollment begins for next quarter.
  • Friday: Deadline to drop with a W grade
Week 11 Finals begin



Student Experience:
"There are several aspects of my study abroad journey in Dublin, Ireland that really made my semester exceptional.  One aspect was being a part of the international student community.  Not only did I get to meet students from University College Dublin (UCD) where I was studying, but I also became really close friends with other international students from all over the world... For students that wish to study economics or management abroad, I recommend you get acquainted with enrollment staff and your professors.... As for the coursework itself, each school has a different style of lecturing and testing, make sure to be aware of the teaching styles and adjust your study habits accordingly!" - Lalageh Noubarentz

Student Experience:
"To me, as an international student who’s already studying abroad in the U.S., a “double abroad” to London this time is giving me the opportunity to immerse myself in a completely different continent for the second time. From observing and learning the cultural differences, it helps me develop an even more multicultural and more open minded mindset... If you know what kind of subjects you are going to take studying abroad, check the prerequisites or email the professor to see what materials are necessary for the course... For example,there’s one course I’m taking [at LSE], Industrial Economics, which is taught based on UCSD"s Econ 100B and 100C, and it would saved me time and energy if I had brought the notes for those two classes with me." - Crystal Wang