Undergraduate Instructional Apprentice
An Undergraduate Instructional Apprentice (UIA) is an upper-division student who works in an undergraduate course under the supervision of a faculty member. Students earn credit by enrolling in Econ 195.
Minimum requirements for being a UIA
- Completion of at least 90 units of course work at UC San Diego (if you are a transfer student, your transfer units are included)
- Completion of at least six upper-division Economics classes, including the relevant core courses
- Minimum GPA of 3.5 in Economics major coursework (including lower division), and minimum overall GPA of 3.3
- Completion of the course to which you are applying
- Achievement of an "A" or better in the requested lower division course
- Achievement of an "A" or better for the requested upper division course and course prerequisites as well as other courses in the sequence
Application for Spring Quarter 2025
- Will be accepted for review beginning Friday, 2/7/2025.
- Must be completed and submitted by Monday, 2/17/2025. To apply:
- Complete the online application (requires online login)
- Note: while faculty preferences and academic records are taken into account, other factors (such as availability and scheduling) are also considered.
If you have any questions regarding the UIA application or process, please contact the Instructional Coordinator.
- Learn how to teach through actual practice
- Develop professional relationship with faculty member
- Earn four units of UD Economics elective credit (ECON 195) for work performed
- Solidify knowledge of economics
Duties of a UIA (SP25: All duties will be in-person)
- Attend all lectures
- Hold office hours (one hour per week)
- Hold occasional review sessions
- Assist with grading of homework, papers, or exams
- Note: UIAs should plan to be available after finals end, faculty often request participation in final exam grading
Working Hours
- Service period of employment - first week of the quarter through the end of final exam grading
- Weekly hours - 3 hours of lecture attendance; 1 hour of office hours; and varying time requirements for holding review sessions and grading. Under no circumstances are UIAs authorized to work on average over 10 hours per week
- Without exception: UIAs must carry out job responsibilities through final exam grading
ECON 195 Enrollment:
- Required enrollment in ECON 195, Introduction to Teaching Economics, for four units
- If appointed, you will be cleared to enroll upon completion of necessary paperwork
- May earn up to eight units of credit for Econ 195 (students may not serve as a UIA for credit more than once for the same course)